End of Life Care

The team here at Unity health can offer a range of advice and support during this difficult time for our patients and their families. We have signed up to the Daffodil Standards approach for our end of life patient care. Please find below more information and support that is available to you.

Marie Curie

www.mariecurrie.org.uk or call 0800 090 2309

Death and dying is still widely a taboo subject in our society and because of that, many of us feel deeply unprepared and distressed when having to face end of life. The end of life journey can feel uncharted, chaotic, painful, frightening, for ourselves and our loved ones.

But talking and feeling as prepared as possible for the end of life can make a difference in the experience we have when we come to face it either for ourselves or our loved ones.

Healthcare professionals play a vital role in supporting people who are dying and their families. People on the frontline see first-hand the impact on people at the end of life who, for whatever reason, have not felt able to talk and prepare.

‘Whatever we call it, we need to talk about’ the new Marie Curie campaign aims to support people, if and when they’re ready, to open up earlier and talk about death and dying. For many people they may not know where to start or what may be helpful to talk, plan and prepare for a good end of life.

They also provide information on caring for people in their final days or hours. www.mariecurie.org.uk

For people who may want more information on support before and after death visit our Marie Curie help pages


How do the Daffodil Standards work?

The Standards (also known as RCGP and Marie Curie UK General Practice Core Standards for Advanced Serious Illness and End of Life Care) cover eight core areas.

  1.   Professional and competent staff
  2.   Early identification
  3.   Carer Support – before and after death
  4.   Seamless, planned, coordinated care
  5.   Assessment of unique needs of the patient
  6.   Quality care during the last days of life
  7.   Care after death
  8.   General Practice being hubs within Compassionate Communities


The NHS also has advice on end of life care and support available: This guide is for people who are approaching the end of their life. Some parts of it may also be useful for people who are caring for someone who is dying, or people who want to plan in advance for their own end of life care.

It covers what to expect, thinking about your wishes for your future care, and looking after your emotional and psychological wellbeing. It also covers financial and legal choices you may wish to make such as lasting power of attorney, making a will and planning ahead.


Registering a death

Once the death has been verified and certified, you’ll need to register the death with a local registrar. The registrar will then give you the forms that you’ll need to organise the burial or cremation, and to sort out practical things like finances. Information on registering a death and the next steps can be found below.



Loneliness is very common after losing a loved one. The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

0800 470 80 90
